Saturday, 2 November 2024

John Clare (1793-1864)


John Clare one of the great English poets wrote of the seasons and in particular Autumn.

Nature now spreads around in dreary hue.  A pall to cover all that summer knew;          Yet in the poets solitary way;                            Some pleasing objects for his praise delay; 

John Clare, The Shepherd's Calender (October) 1827.

John Clare expresses his sadness at the passing of summer but encourages us to look around and take pleasure in the colours the berries and the conkers on the path, the late flowering plants adding a splash of colour against the tall wands of grass. And so it is in the churchyard with the Calendula making such a bold splash of orange against the tall wands of grass and colours of Autumn. 

On the corner where the path down from Church Street South meets the West side of the church building we have planted Wallflowers, a different variety this year, Harlequin, multi coloured so a splash of colour and lovely scent to look forward to next spring. 

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