Wednesday, 11 October 2023


 I think most people will remember this September for the contrast in weather, a very warm first half with the later days noticeably wetter! The drier weather was fortunate as we had Heritage Open Days on two consecutive Saturdays, the church was open with tours of the bell tower and other items out for display and perusal. Visitor numbers were encouraging with many people taking the opportunity to look around the churchyard including the recently uncovered Braddock Memorial.

September is the time to start clearing away plants that are dying back and whilst the soil is warm split up and move plants giving them a chance to establish in the warmer soil before Winter arrives. Around the Braddock Memorial is now very tidy and has been planted up with shade and drought tolerant plants whilst they will naturally die back this Autumn hopefully they will have put roots down and will reappear in Spring. We have also cleared away unwanted grass around an old tree stump and planted that area up. Thank you to the volunteers who have put a lot of effort into this. 

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