Sunday, 29 May 2022


Hyacinthoides non-scripta.To use their Latin name. At the back end of last year 2021 it was decided see if we could establish a small plot of bluebells, native variety of course next to the pathfrom Church Street South. Fifty bulbs were ordered from a UK company responsibly sourced as they actually propagate them. These small bulbs were planted in small pots using a suitable compost and then left against a sheltered house wall to start sprouting. They remained dormant for the early part of 2022 but in late spring shoots emerged these pots were then transplanted to the present location adjacent to the path and have flowered quite successfully. They have now set seed which is encouraging as that means pollinators have been able to utilise the nectar in the flowers. A 'win win' situation. So a success and note to self ' order more bulbs for September.

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